This is the package sent to me from forge world
After removed your model parts from the package, you need wash them by warm water. The resin kit generally covered with releasing agents which can make your paints very hard to stay on the model. You can use some soap and a little brush, if it is necessary.
model washed and cleaned waiting for drying
After the parts dried completely, I assambled them together with super glue, please notice that with resin kit you cann't use plastic glue, you need supper glue. I under coated the model with Chaos Black spray.
Basecoat different parts. For the feather part I use Mephiston Red. For the goden part I use Averland Sunset as base coat. For metalic parts, I base coated them with Leadbelcher. For the skull and bone parts, I use ungor flash. I use Ratskin Flesh to basecoat the fabric part of purity seal. for the seat itself I use Naggaroth Night.
After base coated different parts, I washed the entire model with Nuln oil.
Then highlight the model. I use Dawnstone for highlighting the black parts. I use same base coat Mephiston Red to highlight the feather parts. I use Runefang Steel to highlight the metal parts. i use ungor flesh for highligt the seal fabric.
I washed black parts of the model with Nuln Oil again to blend the highligh and base coat togather. I further highlighted the feather parts with Evil Sunz Scarlet, the Black parts with Stormvermin Fur, the goden parts with Gehenna's Gold, the bone parts with screaming skull, the seal with Pink Horror, the fabric with Screaming skull.
Wet blended Naggaroth Night, Macragge Blue and Ceramite white to creat the power weapen effects on the Close Combat Claw.
Finaly, I dry brushed the edge of the model with Runefang Steel.Assemble the model and paint the base, and eventually we got this:
If you like, you can creat some weathering effects by pigments or weathering wash. I usd some dust weathering wash.
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